

Contents of this page: 

Last update 29/01/25

Welcome to the New Plymouth Amateur Radio Club, Branch 27 of NZART – (New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters).  We are a friendly bunch of people who have at least one thing in common – a love of radio.  Everything from communicating locally on VHF or UHF frequencies, or to the world on HF is covered.  Long talks with one person or competitions for the most contacts. Whether you prefer to use a microphone, computer, or the good old dots and dashes on the morse key, we do it all.
Our meetings start off with an interesting talk, an activity, or even something to build and take home.  Visitors welcome.
New members are always welcome, and we can arrange training and examinations to get you on the air.


Taranaki Emergency Management Office (TEMO), 45 Robe Street, New Plymouth.

Note: In the 2021 upgrade, the TEMO building was made more accessible, including the addition of a wheelchair lift. If you require this to attend meetings, please let us know. We would be happy to help you.


Coming Club Nights

February 18th, Tuesday- 7:30pm at TEMO

Flin ZL2RL will be giving us a talk on “MESHTASTIC” This is an open-source project that
uses LoRa radios to enable long range off -grid communication

March 18th, Tuesday- 7:30pm at TEMO

Terry ZL2TNB will be giving us a talk on Ham clock.

April 15th, Tuesday- 7:30pm at TEMO

Phil Garside ZL2RO will be giving us a talk on DMR radio

May 20th, Tuesday- 7:30pm at TEMO

NZART Remits


Past General Meetings | Upcoming General Meeting

If you have any interesting amateur radio related pictures, stories, QSL cards, etc. that could be included on this site, please email to  bugdeal70@gmail.com 


Up-coming Events:

Jock White Field Day 2025 runs from 3pm Saturday 22nd to 3pm Sunday 23rd February. Onaero Bay Holiday Park. Setting up from midday, so several people to help put up tents and antennas would be appreciated.

Junk Sale Manawatu Amateur Radio Society. Branch 20 April 2025

International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend August 2025

Junk Sale Branch 27 September 2025


Past Club Events | Upcoming Club Events