Taranaki Award 2022

Taranaki Award 2022 Official Rules.


For any further information or clarification, email Doug on zl3dug@zl2ab.com

1. The Award will run from Wednesday 28th September to Sunday 2nd October 2022 inclusive.
2. It is available to all amateur operators and to listeners of amateur bands. Listeners must complete all details of a conversation including both callsigns used.
3. Contacts may be made on any band using any mode.
4. ZL6RFA is a compulsory contact worth 5 points. You must log this station.
5. Taranaki club stations are each worth 3 points. (see below)
6. All other stations within Taranaki are worth 1 point each.
NOTE: A Taranaki station is one that is normally resident inside the approved boundaries (see below) and physically inside the region during the award period.

7. To apply for the Award certificate, 25 points must be attained, including the contact
with ZL6RFA.
8. Each contact can be worked ONCE ONLY for each application for the award.


Contact with Taranaki Club Stations:

Club Name                        Branch                                         Callsign                             Points

NEW PLYMOUTH             Branch 27                                       ZL2AB                               3 POINTS
WAITARA                           Branch 47                                       ZL2TO                               3 POINTS                      INGLEWOOD                    Branch 19                                       ZL2PT                                3 POINTS
SOUTH TARANAKI           Branch 87                                       ZL2QF                                3 POINTS
HAWERA                           Branch 14                                       ZL2HWA                            3 POINTS
OPUNAKE                         Branch 32                                       ZL2ANN                            3 POINTS

Copy of log and fee of $5.00 per certificate to arrive no later than two weeks following the end of the award period (i.e. Sunday 16th October 2022). Payments can be made to TSB account: 153942 0001086 00 using internet banking or at a branch. No cheques accepted and please do not send cash in post. Please add your Call sign & T Award as a reference.

Electronic logs are preferred and can be emailed to: zl3dug@zl2ab.com in most formats –
e.g. cabrillo,spreadsheet (.xls, numeric .ods), document (.odt .doc .docx) , ADIF, or scan of paper log.

Paper logs also accepted and can be posted to:

The Award Custodian,
New Plymouth Amateur Radio Club,
c/- 1/36 Hine Street,
New Plymouth 4310

• Logs must be clear and legible. Any missing or unreadable entry may result in the cancellation of the applicable points.
• No logs will be returned.
• The final decision rests with the Award organisers, and no correspondence will be entered into.

Please include the following information in logs.
DATE        TIME        CALLSIGN        NAME        QTH        BAND        MODE        SIGNAL(HF)        POINTS

A summary page of applicants information should also be prepared showing:

• Name
• Callsign
• Address
• Points claimed for each certificate ( if multi-band or multi-mode)
• Payment amount made ($5 for each certificate including return postage)
• Logs must be signed. The senders email address in the message header will count as a signature.

The Award Certificate this year will be in A4 portrait format and feature a view of Mount Taranaki from Newall Road.

When to make contacts:
Taranaki stations will be available each day on National System and local repeaters, and will
try and come up when possible. A good time is around 7pm. Also try the nets below.
Contacts are not limited to these specific times.


Net name                                               Time                                     Frequency

Taranaki Award Net                    8pm from Thu 29th Sep                 3.660 MHz +/- 5 kHz  ZL Awards Net                             9pm daily                                      3.677 MHz                  Branch 27 Net                              8pm Wednesday                        147.200 MHz  repeater (+600 shift)

In Conjunction with the Taranaki Award, we will also be running the Dan Wilkinson Memorial Contest


1. Certificates will be awarded in two categories for 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
The categories are:
a. Taranaki stations
b. Those outside the region.
2. The Wooden Shield will be awarded to the station outside the Taranaki region who has the most contacts with Taranaki stations and engraved with their name. The Taranaki station contacted can only be used for scoring once, regardless of what bands they are contacted on. The Shield is to be held by the winner from the end of October to the beginning of the following September.
3. The Dan Wilkinson Memorial Stone Trophy will be engraved with the Taranaki station with the most points. However because of the size and weight of the Trophy it will remain in the possession of the Award Organisers.

Dan Wilkinson was the original holder of the call ZL2AB which was first issued in 1923.Dan Wilkinson was the original holder of the call ZL2AB which was first issued in 1923.